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AUG 2008: So at least I made it out one more day and a few more hours at Lazy Bear 2008; and that continues to be the limit of my events activities once again. But my garden is looking great and that activity continues to provide its own rewards. Still, it bums me out That a new 5 drug cocktail hasn't fixed everything. Blood work looks good, but a nasty pneumonia, a scary drug interaction, a fainting spell along with a damaged heart, a compressed spine and more drag me down and prey upon my spirit. Loosing my cat and very best friend hasn't help. Enjoy the photos -- what I can do does sustain me and I am always hopeful I will be able to do more down the long and winding road....................
SEPT 2007: So the 'upswing' of the past year is simply that I haven't suffered any new assaults on my body. But the accumulated where and tear has left me permanently weakened, it would appear. My stamina for travel or extended activity remains limited so I can no longer commit to any given event. Since Lazy Bear is local, I can attend, but even then for only a few hours total. Thankfully, I had some houseguests for the weekend, who provided a nice balance lazing on the deck.
SEPT 2006: So for a year I have been out of the picture, absent from events and not necessarily reliable with e-mail. The saddest of truths is that my heart has not been up to the challenge -- and I mean that LITERALLY; my spirit hasn't wavered. It's been a tough time and its not over yet, but I AM on the upswing. Lazy Bear 2006 was my first visit event since Lazy Bear 2005 and there will be more, but I will need to be selective about my activities for the foreseeable future. I'll explain more as we go along.
Donations for web/photo ventures: My pledge to you is that any funds received by donations will be used exclusively to support my two websites: Lynn Ludwig, PO Box 2298, Guerneville, CA 95446