Featured Bear
Keith aka Keifer
Email Address: No LOnger Available :>)
Located: Pittsburgh, PA.
Age: 38
Height: 6'2
Weight: 275
Hair: Dark Brown/Gray
Eyes: Greenish/Blue
Marital Status: Happily Partnered
Hobbies: Music, Singing, Dancing, Movies, Hiking, Horseback
Swimming, Volleyball, Softball
Bear Code: b4 c- e+ f g k m q- r s t+ w+
Keith sent me an update February, 2003 and says:
I've found the man with all the qualities I had previously listed in my ad. Lynn has agreed to post our picture below. So just enjoy the pictures. Otherwise I have gotten what I was looking for. [see below]
<<New Picture Provided By Keith.2/10/03
Originally Keith wrote: This is the original ad which help Kieth meet his husbear -- so just enjoy his pictorial.
I'm single and enjoying my freedom and meeting new people. I'm not necessarily looking for a relationship but am open to the possibilities with the right man. That man would have the following qualities and characteristics: Non-smoker, versatile sexually, no drugs (including herbal), light drinker, sociable and friendly, lives healthy physically (diet & exercise), healthy mentally-we all have baggage - hopefully you've dealt with yours even if it is in process. I've dealt with mine and continue to do so. A romantic - who likes to kiss, cuddle, & snuggle for hours. Passionate man -someone who enjoys the male body, who enjoys touching it, kissing it, and licking it and making love for hours. Someone who has the ability to include someone in their life without it being too much of a sacrifice. Someone who is emotionally strong but also capable of being vulnerable and trusting. Someone who is self-assured, self-confident, and has somewhat of a good self-image or someone who is working on improving this part of himself steadfastly. Attractive and masculine are necessary too. I do not have any nude photos available and am selective with whom I let know that much of me. My life motto is: the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. If you have a similar life motto and desire to get acquainted then send an email and we'll see what happens. I don't look for perfection just for someone who is real. Peace to all!
Click on an image for a larger view.
My photo shoot with Lynn: I had a fantastic time with the photo shoot with Lynn, he has the ability to make you feel comfortable behind the camera. He also knows how to capture you at your best. I was really nervous about doing some provocative photos but after spending some time with Lynn I realized that he's a professional and wants to bring out the best in you. I am extremely pleased with my photos and would highly recommend him to anyone who's serious about doing some photos beyond the Olan Mills or Sears style of photo shoot. Overall, it was a great day! Many thanks to Lynn for his warmth, affirmation and making a nerve racking thing into a fun event to remember for a long time. [Gee, thanks, Keith --LSL]
© copyright 2000
Lynn S. Ludwig
* PUHLEAZE respect my copyrighted material. Copying, posting, reselling or any other use of this material without my approval is prohibited by law, and just plain rude. HOWEVER, Web links are encouraged! Thank you!