Email Address:
Located: San Leandro, California
Age: 41
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 194#, this week...
Hair: Where it grows on my head, and face, red. Blondish-red everyehere else.
Eyes: Blue
Marital Status: Partnered with Dana for 18 years.
Hobbies: Travel, music (I play paino, keyboard,
accordian, and other scary analog instruments), cooking, digital
photography, occasional Bear events, and computer chatting, dining out.
Paul says:
I am a native Californian bear living in the suburbs east of San
Francisco. I grew up in Southern California, (native valley boy - t'cha!),
but moved up to San Francisco in 1979 for college and never looked back.
I achieved my Bachelors degree in Art/Photography in 1984, however, I had
already decided at that point that the artist's life was not for me, so I
stumbled into computer work. I have been around many aspects of
publishing, from repairing typesetters, to product testing for
publication. These days, supporting desktop Macintosh & PC systems at a
publishing company is what keeps me employed. I used to have my own
darkroom for processing monochrome & color prints, but have all but
abandoned my film-based cameras for digital imaging. I have a passion for
traveling to new places; experiencing how different cultures live.
Internationally, I have been to Italy, England, and Mexico. In the US, I
have been to all of the "I" states, both coasts, Hawaii, and a lot of the
Midwest. I hope to travel to Paris & Amsterdam this year.
I have a strong sense of humor, and like to chat with and socialize, but
can be very reserved at starting conversations in crowds of people. Being
a non-smoker and very rarely having alcohol, I don't have the advantage of
those social lubricants to get it all started, but once you get me going,
watch out!
I have been blessed with being in the right place at the right time for
Lynn to take pictures of me over the past several years. His chronicles
have been cause for some unusual emails from far away places. Marriage
proposals from Singapore, invites for paid airfare to Qatar. (Both of
which, I politely declined). I tend to look mean in some of my pictures -
maybe I can be a grumpy bear at times - but over all I'm a nice guy.
Feel free to write. I am not a journalist, so my letters tend to be
short. I am better at dialog (such as chat or face to face) than writing
long dissertations.
